Have you been wondering which are the best shiny Pokémon you can find in the new region? In this article you’ll discover of the best shiny Pokémon from the Kalos region.

Talonflame is a Fire/Flying type Pokémon, it is a very strong and fast creature. Talonflame is 1.2 meters (3’11”) tall and weighs 24.5 kilograms (54 pounds). It has the nickname “the Scorching Pokémon,” and Flame Body is one of its abilities, which increases its speed by 50% if it has been hit by a fire-type move from an opponent. It is caught at a 5.9% rate with a full-health Poké Ball. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 15 (3,599–3,855 steps).

Aurorus is a Rock-type Pokémon having the Snow Warning ability to warn its allies of incoming snowstorms. Aurorus can blast freezing cold air to form a wall of ice to protect itself from attacks. It has the ability Tundra and is known as the Tundra Pokémon. The base stats are: 2 HP, 45 catch rate with PokéBall, 50 base Friendship, 104 base Exp., and a growth rate of medium speed. The egg group of this pokemon is Monster. The gender of this pokemon is 87.5% male and 12.5% female. Furthermore, the egg cycle of the pokemon is 30 (7,454–7,710 steps).

Delphox is a Fire/Psychic type Pokémon having the Blaze ability, which gives it the power to create fire. Delphox is known as the Fox Pokémon, and it was introduced in Generation 6. It has a catch rate of 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP) and base Friendship of 50 (normal). Its base Exp. is 240 and its growth rate is medium slow. The egg group of this pokemon is Field. The gender of this pokemon is 87.5% male, 12.5% female. The egg cycles of the pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).

Chesnaught is a Grass/Fighting type Pokémon having a Bulletproof ability. It was introduced in Generation 6, and it has the ability Spiky Shield and is known as the Spiny Armor Pokémon. Training EVs yield 3 Defense, catch rate 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP), and base Friendship 50 (normal). Base Exp. is 239, growth rate medium slow. The egg group of this pokemon is Field. The gender of this pokemon is 87.5% male, 12.5% female. The egg cycles of the pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).

Pyroar is a royal Pokémon having different abilities. It is known as the Fire and Normal-type. Its height is 1.5 meters and it weighs 81.5 kg. Its catch rate is 65, a growth rate of Medium Slow, and can be caught with a PokéBall. Pyroar’s base friendship is 50, and its base experience yield is 177 Exp.points. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).

Gourgeist is a ghost and grass type Pokémon having the ability to summon pumpkins from the ground. Gourgeist is also known as the Pumpkin Pokémon. Gourgeist can summon two large pumpkins that it can use as weapons against its opponents. Gourgeist may also be used as a means of transportation. The egg cycles of the pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).

Tyrantrum is a Rock/Dragon type Pokémon, it is known as the Despot Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation 6 with a height of 2.5 m (8′02″), and 270.0 kg (595.2 lbs) weight. Tyrantrum’s abilities are Strong Jaw and its EV yield is 2 Attack. Tyrantrum has a catch rate of 45 (5.9% with PokéBall, full HP) and its base friendship is 50 (normal). The egg cycles of these pokemon are 30 (7,454–7,710 steps).

Noivern is a Flying/Dragon-type Pokémon, it is known as the Sound Wave Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation 6. Noivern is 4’11” tall, weighs 187.4 lbs, and has a maximum of 50 base friends with a medium growth rate. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).

Sylveon is a fairy-type Pokémon, it is 1.0 m tall and weighs 23.5 kg. Sylveon was introduced in Generation 6 having two special defense stats and a base friendship of 50. It is known as the Intertwining Pokémon. It evolves from Eevee by using the Fairy-Type Evolution item and leveling up during the day or by using a Sun Stone. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 35 (8,739–8,995 steps).

Trevenant is a Grass/Ghost Pokémon type, known as the Elder Tree. Its Abilities are Natural Cure (cures status problems when it switches out) and Frisk (lets you see the opponent’s items). Trevenant is 1.5 m (4′11″) tall and weighs 71.0 kg (156.5 lbs). Its Attack, Defense, and Special Attack stats are 2, its HP stat is 156.5, and its Base Friendship is 50. The egg cycles of the pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).

Yveltal is a dark and flying-type Pokémon that has an incredible attack stat, but its defense is not very high. It was introduced in the sixth generation. Yveltal is known for being powerful and dangerous, yet also graceful in appearance. It has a base Exp. yield of 306, which is quite low. It has a catch rate of 45 at full health, and its friendship level starts off at 0. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 120 (30,584–30,840 steps).

Greninja is a Water/Dark-type known as Ash-Greninja, and it has a new form in Sun and Moon. It is 1.5 m (4′11″) tall and weighs 40 kg (88.2 lbs). Its abilities are Torrent and Protean. When caught with a Pokéball, its catch rate is 45 (5.9% with PokéBall and full HP). Its base friendship is 50 (normal). The egg cycles of the pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).

Clawitzer is a Water type Pokémon introduced in Generation 6. The Mega Launcher ability allows it to fire powerful shots from its cannons. It has high Special Attack and a catch rate of 55 when caught with PokéBall, full HP. Clawitzer’s Friendship base is 50, but its base Exp. is 100, making it grow slowly. The egg group of this pokemon is Water 1, Water 3. The gender of this pokemon is 50% male and 50% female. The egg cycles of the pokemon are 15 (3,599–3,855 steps).