Best Way to Get 100iv Pokemons in Pokemon Go

This guide will provide you with the best way to get 100iv pokemon in Pokemon Go.

If you’re trying to catch 100iv pokemon in the wild, then there is a 1 in 4,096 chance that you’ll succeed in catching it.

This probability is reduced to 1 in 1,728 if you are trying to catch a 100iv pokemon through a weather boost.

And it will further reduce to 1 in 152 if you’re trying to catch a pokemon through the shadow pokemon.

The other way you can increase the chance of getting a 100iv pokemon is by trading the pokemon with your friends. The probability of getting a 100iv pokemon during that is dependent upon the status of your friendship with that friend which is as follows.

Good friend trade: 1 in 3,375

Great friend trade: 1 in 2,744

Ultra friend trade: 1 in 2,197

Best friend trade: 1 in 1,331

Hatching Pokemon from eggs, earning them in quests, or defeating them as a Raid Boss, all provide the same chance of obtaining a 100iv Pokemon is 1 in 216.

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