BlockCarpentry Mod: How To Download & Install In Minecraft

BIOMES O’PLENTY MOD is basically a biome mod which brings some unique and new biomes into the Minecraft game. This mod also adds flowers, pots, building blocks, trees and more.

Follow the following steps to install BIOMES O’PLENTY MOD 1.16.4 in Minecraft:

  • The first thing you will need to do is to open the website below and download the latest minecraft forge by clicking on the installer button.


  • Go to the website below, scroll down and download the Mspc- Backpacks.


  • Now minimize your browser and open the download folder. Paste all the downloaded files on the Desktop.


  • Now launch Minecraft launcher and click on minecraft java edition. Select the latest release version and hit the PLAY button.



  • The minecraft game interface will appear on the screen and you will have to click on “Quit game”.


  • Type windows+r to open the run dialog box, type %appdata% in it and click OK.



  • After that, follow this directory “appdata\roaming\.minecraft\versions.



  • While keeping the version folder open, double click on the fabric installer that was downloaded in earlier steps, select the minecraft versions 1.16.4 and hit the Install button.


  • After completing installation, the message box appears and you have to tap on the OK button.


  • As a text “Done” pops up on the fabric installer window, a new file with the name of fabric loader will be generated in the versions folder.


  • Now open the minecraft launcher and select minecraft java edition. Select the fabric-loader-1.16.4 and hit the PLAY button.


  • Latest version will begin downloading.


  • After that, close the Minecraft Launcher by clicking on the “Quit game” button.


  • Type windows+r to open the run dialog box, type %appdata% in it and click OK.


  • After that, follow this directory “appdata\roaming\.minecraft\mods”. And then paste the files “Biomesoplenty” in the current location.

  • Open the Minecraft Launcher, and select the latest version (if already selected the latest version, then you don’t have to change the version). Hit the Play button.

  • When the Minecraft launcher comes again, you will need to click on “Single Player”.


  • Then click on “Create new world” and change the settings as you want, like “Difficulty Level” , “Allow Cheats” etc. And then click on “More World Options”.

  • Turn on “Bonus Cheats” and click on the Done button.

  • After that, you have to click on “Create New World”.

  • A message box will appear. Click on Proceed.

  • Now, you can play and enjoy the game.


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