Clicker Frenzy Codes 2023 (Updated)

Clicker Frenzy is a Roblox game in which you will need to explore the land to obtain different items. You have to increase the worth of your character so that you can enter different parts of the world.

Active Codes

BLUEALERTUse it to get a Blue Alert Dominus
EMERALDUse it to get a Emerald Sage Dominus
ROYALUse it to get a Royal Punk Dominus
SKULLUse it to get a Skull Dominus

Expired Codes

10KLIKESUse it to get the Prism Fedora
15KLIKESUse it to get the Minty Mild Domino Crown
1MVISITSUse it to get the Suroproc Sunimod
2MVISITSUse it to get the Dominus Rocoprus
4000LIKESUse it to get the Island Fedora Hat
6000LIKESUse it to get the Gentleman Tee Vee
BUMBLEUse it to get the Bumble Punk Dominus
CHRISTMASUse it to get Christmas Fedora
DUALITYUse it to get the Duality Alert Dominus
GREENIEUse it to get the Green Alert Dominus
HAPPYTHANKSGIVINGUse it to get the Turkey Head
KEYLIMEUse it to get the Key Lime Dominus
MONSTERUse it to get Monster Punk Dominus
NEWYEARS2022Use it to get 2022 Boppers
ONEYEARUse it to get One Year Anniversary Effect
ORANGEUse it to get the Orange Alert Dominus
PINKALERTUse it to get the Pink Alert Dominus
PURPLESUSUse it to get the Purple Alert Dominus
SPOOKYSCARYUse it to get the Orange Pumpkin Head
SUPREMEUse it to get the Supreme Punk Dominus
SWEETUse it to get Sweet Punk Dominus
TIGERPUNKUse it to get the Tiger Punk Dominus
UNDIMBIRTHDAYUse it to get the Undim’s Birthday Dominus 2021
WOODOMUse it to get Wooden Domino Crown
YELLOWUse it to get the Yellow Alert Dominus

How do you redeem codes in Clicker Frenzy?

You will need to follow the steps below to redeem the codes in Clicker Frenzy:

To access your free reward, open the game and tap the button on the side of the screen. It will open a code redemption window. Copy and paste the code in the text box, and press redeem to get your reward.

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