Conan Exiles: How to Save Game

Conan Exiles is a survival game featured on Windows, PS4 and Xbox One. It is probably the best survival and world building game based in an open world environment. The game story is wrapped in building and farming while surviving against the hordes of enemies. It has an excellent atmosphere and is an adventure for a whole group of people to enjoy. Conan Exiles offers you many fights, lots of searching for loot as well as armor and weapons, being able to train pets. 

Conan Exiles includes an auto-save feature that automatically keeps track of your progress throughout the game. This means players don’t need to manually save their game since the system does it for them, ensuring that their progress is recorded without having to worry about manually saving.

Auto-Save system 

The auto-save system tends to promptly save your progress without much delay when you are exploring the world. This system will save your game every few minutes.

We have covered the method to save your game in Conan Exiles.