Details About Metalworking in Project Zomboid

This guide will provide you with all the details about Metalworking in Project Zomboid.

To survive, you will need to put on the welding mask because it looks good, and you can use it for welding. You will also need to have a propane torch to keep the torch topped up; you need a propane tank, as shown in the image below.  

You can find the masks and torches in the logging factories, sheds, garages, tool storage units, and crates. You can also find the welding rods in these locations; you have to collect as many rods as possible because you can use them in the construction recipes. A full bag of rods will hold 20 units.

You can have the propane tanks from some BBQ grills; when you find one, you have to right-click on it, and you will see an option to grab the tank, as shown in the image below. 

You can also find these tanks in industrial warehouses. You have to find metal sheets in all sizes, metal bars, metal pipes, scrap metal, and wire, as well.

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