Vanillaware created Dragon’s Crown, a beat ”em-up game. The game’s aesthetics are beautiful, with hand-painted art and brilliant colors bringing the world of Hydeland to life. Players can customize their characters with various costumes and accessories as they battle through the game’s many dungeons.
How to Restore PS3 Save file
To restore PS3 save files, you’d need to follow these steps:
- Firstly, plug in your USB drive and make sure it is formatted in fat32.
- Go to “saved data utility PS3”, choose the save game you want to copy, and press Triangle.
- After that, select Copy and choose your USB drive.
- Go to System Settings and choose Backup Utility.
- Tap on Restore, and select your USB drive to restore the data.
Download Save file:
The game is 100% completed in this save file. It is saved after getting max cash, 255 skill points, and all six characters on level 99.