Far Cry 2 – Trainer

Far Cry 2 is a first-person shooter game that is set in Africa, where the player’s character is hired to help fight against rebels. You can unlock new weapons and skills by using experience points. You start with nothing and will have to work up the ranks for people to trust you. Ubisoft Montreal developed it. It is available on PlayStation 3, Microsoft Windows, and Xbox 360.

How to Use This Trainer?

Firstly, extract the zip file by using the Winzip program, then run the .exe file (trainer file) after that run the game, now you’ll be able to use the following commands.

InsertEnable Trainer
Numpad 1Unlimited Health
Numpad 2Unlimited Stamina
Numpad 3Unlimited Clips
Numpad 4Unlimited Grenades/molotovs
Numpad 5Unlimited Health Injections
Numpad 6No Reload
Numpad 7Perfect Weapon Condition
Numpad 8Add 25 Diamonds
Numpad 9Max Weapon Precision
Numpad 0One Hit Kills
Numpad .Fix Malarie Vision Bug
Numpad /Save Position
Numpad *Load Position
Numpad +Super Jump
Numpad –Enable No Car Explode
HomeDisable All

Important: This trainer only works with version 1.3 of this game.

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