In this guide, you will find the fastest way to level up in Fortnite Chapter 5 to get unlimited XP.
- Firstly, get into the system by using a specific code.
The code is 767155099918. - Enter these digits exactly as they are shown, and then press the enter key on your keyboard.
This should lead you to a map named Funn Purple versus Green.

- Click on the map and ensure your party is set to private. Don’t join a public game because the XP glitch won’t work in public parties.
The battle pass for Chapter 5 is highly praised, especially skins like Peter Griffin and the brilliant cut monu skin in its Diamond style. Your XP levels can skyrocket by over 100 levels in less than an hour. - When the glitch starts, load it into a map labeled Loot. Head inside the building that says Loot at the top.
- Enter the loot room and find a corner with a 10-minute countdown timer. Wait until the timer reaches zero to proceed with the glitch.

- Build up to the purple area and return to the loot area. After that, go back to the timer since it has finished.
- Collect the keys underneath the timer by pressing the Get Keys button. Make sure to grab at least 10 keys.
- You can collect more, but ensure you have at least 10 keys on your account. Count as you collect to confirm you have 10 or more.

- You have to grab the pump shotgun for a more satisfying XP glitch experience. Return to the fight mode and build back up to the purple area as you did before.
- When you reach the top, avoid hitting anything, look for a boost pad to the left, and use it to reach a higher level. Follow the boost pads to get to the very top of the map.
- When you’re behind the purple sign, locate a secret interact button below it. Hold down the button to activate the AFK XP on your account.
Pressing this button won’t give you a lot of XP immediately, but it starts the AFK XP process.

- After activating the AFK XP, jump off and glide down to the map’s bottom. Return to the purple area but head to the right side this time and look for an entrance near the reset builds button to discover a hidden passage behind the map.
- In the area that separates the Green from the Blue, build six triangles starting from the first green floor. After that, stand on the last one and look straight up.
You’ll find a secret room button at the top. - Hold it down to spawn in the secret room area.

- Drop down to a specific platform facing a ship in a certain direction and ensure you’re on the correct platform near the floating ship.
- Build five ramps upwards and then five floors in the opposite direction. Walk to the end where you should find a secret interact button.
- Hold down the button to start receiving a massive amount of XP on your account, around 7,000 XP, which is incredible.

- Return to the same spot where you pressed the first button and walk back up to the purple area using the ramps.
- Re-enter the secret passage behind the map and go back to the secret room by pressing the same button as before.
- Once there, drop down to the bottom of the floating structure and look for the secret control room.

- In the room after dropping down, you’ll find two doors. You need to choose the right one.
- Enter that room and you’ll see a control room with bunk beds at the back.
- Stand on the second bunk bed to reveal a hidden button. Hold down the button and you’ll start receiving even more XP, around 30,000 XP on your Fortnite account.
Keep in mind, that there might be a daily XP limit, so you might not get the full amount if you’ve already reached your limit. But it’s still an incredible amount of XP gained.

- Head to the 1v1 area, face the purple side, and don’t face the green area. Build five ramps up and then five floors in the opposite direction.
- At the end, you’ll find another secret room button. Hold it to enter the next secret room. Once there, go down to the bottom of the floating structure.
You can build ramps to make it easier. - Navigate to the underside of the map to locate a floating pipe, stand directly beneath the floating pipe and you’ll find a secret interact button. Hold down this button to receive even more XP on your account.
This is just one of the steps in the glitch. There are two more steps left to complete to gain over 100 account levels.

- Return to the previous secret room by following the path back up. Find a door labeled No admittance, employees only and go through it.
- Inside the office area, jump on top of a lamp in the corner. Look up to locate and hold down a secret interact button.
This will grant you even more XP on your account. - For the final step, return to the purple area by going through the loot area. Inside the loot area, find a button opposite the timer in a corner.
- Hold down this secret AFK room button to spawn in the Fortnite AFK bouncer room. Turn off your screen and return in 1 hour to gain over 100 account levels from the unlimited AFK XP glitch.