Field of Glory II: Medieval – Controls Guide

Field of Glory II is a new turn-based game based on medieval warfare, it is set during the Middle Ages. You will lead your men into battle against 29 other nations and factions from 1040 AD to 1270 AD. The game features more than 100 historically accurate units, built from fully animated 3D troop models.

In this guide, you’ll find all the Controls to play the Game Field of Glory II: Medieval.

Toggle LOF display1Press 1 to Toggle the LOF display
Toggle LOS display2Press 2 to Toggle the LOS display
Toggle command range display3Press 3 to Toggle the command range display
scroll map to the leftAPress A to scroll the map to the left
toggles combat logCPress C to toggle the combat log
detailed information on the unitCTRL + left-click on the unitPress CTRL + left-click on the unit for detailed information.
show detailed tooltipsCTRL when moused over the targetPress CTRL when moused over the target.
next unshot unitBPress B to the next unshot unit
scroll map to the rightDPress D to scroll the map to the right
rotate the map to the leftEPress E to rotate the map to the left
opens load, save, settings, and exit optionsESCPress ESC to open load, save, settings, and exit options
zoom out on the mapFPress F to zoom out on the map
list of hotkeysF1Press F1 to list of hotkeys
Takes a screenshot and dumps it to Documents\My Games\FieldOfGloryMedieval\SCREENSF2Press F2 to Take a screenshot
toggles visible map gridGPress G to toggle the visible map grid
toggles the historical/distinct banners optionHPress H to toggle the historical/distinct banners option
toggles casualty screenKPress K to toggle the casualty screen
toggles unit list. (In the main menu, L loads the last saved game)LPress L to toggle the unit list.
toggles the overhead map viewMPress M to toggle the overhead map view
next unitNPress N to next unit
rotate the map to the rightQPress Q to rotate the map to the right
zoom in on the mapRPress R to zoom in on the map
scroll map downSPress S to scroll the map down
deselect unit. Also closes non-critical popup windowsSPACEPress SPACE to deselect the unit.
next unmoved unitTABPress TAB to Go to the next unmoved unit
scroll map upWPress W to scroll the map up
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