Giants Uprising – Controls Guide

Giants Uprising is a hack and slash fighting game. Humans use the terrible machines of war to expand their vast domains. You don’t need to be a master strategist or highly skilled gamer to start playing the game. – Giants Uprising has a simple interface and easy-to-use controls that make it accessible for everyone.

In this guide, you’ll find all the Controls to play Giants Uprising.

Look AroundMouse (Drag)Drag Mouse to Look Around
MovementW A S DPress W A S D to Move
SprintShiftPress Shift to Sprint
Pick UpEPress E to Pick Up
Aim / GrabRight Mouse ButtonPress Right Mouse Button to Aim
Throw / AttackLeft Mouse ButtonPress Left Mouse Button to Throw
StompQPress Q to Stomp
BlockAltPress Alt to Block
ChargeShiftPress Shift to Charge
DodgeSpacebarPress Spacebar to Dodge
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