Guardians of the Galaxy: How to Save Game

Guardians of the Galaxy is an action-adventure game with a single-player mode. It is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows. The player can use jet boots to fly and also use guns to defeat enemies. In the game, you can make choices that will affect the relationships between characters and determine mission outcomes.

Guardians of the Galaxy includes both an auto-save system, which automatically saves the game, and a manual save option that lets players save their game at any time. This dual save system provides flexibility for players to preserve their progress according to their preferences.

Auto-Save system

Guardians of the Galaxy auto-save feature tends to promptly save your progress throughout your adventure without much delay. 

How to save the game manually?

To record your game progress manually, you will need to follow the steps below:

  • Press the Options/Menu button to open the menu. 
  • After that tap on the ‘Save Game’ option to record your progress.  
  • To start the game from that spot, you have to load that particular save slot. 

We have covered all the methods to save your game in Guardians of the Galaxy.