Highest Damage Melee Weapons – Terraria

This guide will provide you with a comparison between the Pre-Hardmode Melee weapons. You will come to know which are the most damaging melee weapons in Terraria.

Ice Boomerang16Ice boomerang is a melee weapon, and you can find it in the frozen chest in the ice biome.
candy Cane Sword16You can obtain the Candy Cane sword obtain from presents dropped during Christmas even. It is a Christmas-themed sword.
bone sword16The bone sword is a melee weapon with a 1/200 chance to drop from skeletons and spore skeletons in the cavern layer.
Terragrim17You can obtain Terragrim from the unique background object found in the enchanted sword shrine. It is a rare pre-hard mode melee weapon.
Ice blade17Ice blade is a sword, and you can find it in frozen chests in the ice biome.
Artery17The artery is a yoyo crafted from criminate bars.
Light’s bane18Light Bane is a pre Hardmode broadsword crafted sley out of corruption Demonte bars.
Flaming Mace18Flaming mace is a Dail weapon, and you can craft it in the early pre-hard mode. It is crafted from mace and torch.
Amazon18Amazon is a yoyo that is crafted from materials found in the underground jungle biome.
Swordfish19Swordfish is a spear, and you can obtain it through fishing in the ocean biome.
Exotic scimitar20Exotic scimitar is a melee weapon that has a 1/8 chance of being dropped from the dye trader.
Code 121Code I is a yoyo purchased from a traveling merchant for 5 Gold Coins.
Valor22Valor is a yoyo, and you can find it in the chests found in the dungeon.
starfury22Starfury is a sword, and you can only obtain it from the skyware chests, azure crates of sky cates.
blood butcherer22Blood butcherer is a pre hard mode sword crafted solely out of the crimtane bars
Enchanted Sword23The enchanted sword is a pre-hard mode sword. You can obtain it by destroying the background object of an enchanted sword in the stone.
Purple Clubberfish24Purple clubberfish is a melee weapon; you can obtain it by fishing in the corruption.
yellow phaseblades25Phaseblade is a pre-hard mode broadsword; it is crafted using gems.
white phasebldes25Phaseblade is a pre-hard mode broadsword; you can craft it using gems.
thorn chakram25Thorn chakram is a pre hardmode bommerang it is called from jungle spores and stinger.
Red Phaseblade25Phaseblade is pre hard mode broadsword; it is crafted using gems.
purple phaseblade25The purple phase blade is a pre-hard mode broadsword; it is crafted using gems.
orange Phaseblade25The Orange Phaseblade is a pre-hard mode broadsword; it is crafted using gems.
Green phaseblade25The Green Phase blade is a pre-hard mode broadsword; you can craft it using gems.
Falcon Blade25Falcon blade has a 1/16 chance to be found in an iron or mithril crate. It is a pre hardmode broadsword.
Combat Wrench25Combat Wrench has a 1/8 chance of being dropped by the mechanic. It is a boomerang.
Blue phaseblade25Blue Phaseblade is a pre-hard mode broadsword; you can craft it using gems.
Arkhalis25Arkhalis is a rare melee weapon, and you can obtain it through treasure bags in expert mode.
Muramasa26Muramasa is a blue broadsword found in the dungeon’s locked gold chest or golden lock boxes.
Bee keeper26Beekeeper has a 1/400 chance of being dropped by any enemy in the underworld. It is a pre hardmode yoyo.
Cascade27Cascade has a 1/400 chance of being dropped by any enemy in the underworld. It is a pre hardmode yoyo.
Blade of Grass28Blade of Grass is a broadsword and crafted from jungle spores and stiger.
Dark Lance29Dark Lance is a spear, and you can find it in shadow chests in the underworld.
ball o’ Hurt30Ball o’hurt is a dail that can be obtained by fishing in the corruption.
Flamarang32Flamarang is the upgraded version of the enchanted boomerang.
The Meatball34The Meatball is a dail using crimtane Bars and tissue samples.
Fiery Greatsword40Flery greatsword is a sword that is crafted from hellstone bars.
Yellow phasesabers42Yellow phasesabers is crafted from phase blade and crystal shard.
white phasesabers42White phasesabers is crafted using phase blade and crystal shard.
Red Phasesabers42Red phasesabers is crafted with the help of a phase blade and crystal shard.
Purple Phasesabers42Purple Phasesabers are crafted from phase blade and crystal shard.
Orange Phasesabers42Orange Phasesabers are crafted from phase blade and crystal shard.
Night’s Edge42Night’s Edge is a broadsword; it is crafted from blood butcher, Muramasa blade of grass fiery greatsword.
Green Phasesabers42Green Phasesabers are crafted using a phase blade and crystal shard.
Blue Phasesabers42Blue Phasesabers is crafted from phase blade and crystal shard.
Blue Moon54The Blue moon is a dail that can be found in Goki’s chest within the dungeon.
Sunfury64Sunfury is a dail in the obsidian lockbox and obsidian crates.
First Fractal190The first fractal is an unobtainable melee weapon. Its place is now taken by zenith.
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