This guide will provide you with comparisons of all the swords in Terraria. You will find out which is the most damaging sword in the game to counter the enemies. Clubberfish gives 24 damage, while Slap Hand provides 35 damage to the opponents.
| Swords | Damage | Comparison |
Enchanted Sword | 24 | You can find it in the Random Locations underground. | |
Clubberfish | 24 | You can find fishing in corruption. | |
Beekeeper | 26 | Crops from Queen Bee. | |
Blade of Grass | 28 | Crafted W/Jungle spores & stingers. | |
Falcon blade | 30 | It is found in the iron crate. | |
Slap Hand | 35 | You can purchase it from a skeleton merchant. | |
Fiery Greatsword | 36 | The players can craft Fiery Greatsword with hellstone bars. | |
Cobalt Sword | 39 | Crafted W/Cobalt Bars. | |
Breaker Blade | 39 | It drops from WOf. | |
Phasesabers | 41 | Crafted W/Crystal Shards. | |
Palladium sword | 41 | You can craft it with the help of palladium Bars. | |
Night’s Edge | 42 | Crafted W/various swords. | |
Ice sickle | 42 | It drops in hardmode snow biome. | |
Mythril sword | 44 | Crafted W/mythril bars. | |
Brand of the Infero | 44 | Brand of the Inferno drops From Ogre (Old one’s Army). | |
Orichalcum Sword | 47 | Crafted W/orichalcum Bar. | |
Chlorophyte saber | 48 | It is crafted W/Cholorophyte Bars. | |
cutlass | 49 | Cutlass drops from the pirates. | |
frost brand | 49 | It drops from ice mimics. | |
adamantite sword | 50 | Crafted W/Adamantite bars. | |
Seedler | 50 | Seedler drops from Plantera. | |
Titanium sword | 52 | Crafted W/Titanium Bars. | |
Beam Sword | 52 | The Beam Sword drops from Armored skeletons. | |
Bladetongue | 55 | You can find it fishing in crimson. | |
Tizona | 56 | You can craft it with Excalibur soul of light & Adamantite bar. | |
Excalibur | 57 | The players can craft it with the help of Hallowed Bars. | |
Death Sickle | 57 | Death Sickle drops from Reapers (Solar Eclipse). | |
True Excalibur | 66 | Crafted W/Excalibur & Hero sword. | |
psycho knife | 70 | It drops from psycho (solar eclipse event). | |
baghnakhs | 70 | Drops from crimson mimics. | |
key brand | 70 | The key brand drops from Armed bones. | |
claymore | 75 | Drops from Betsy. | |
Horseman’s Balade | 75 | It drops from pumping. | |
Tree Sword | 86 | Drops from every scream. | |
True Night’s edge | 90 | You can craft it using Night’s Edge & Hero’s sword. | |
flying Dragon | 90 | The Flying Dragon drops from Betsy. | |
Terra Blade | 95 | You can craft it with true night’s edge & True excalibue. | |
Influs Waver | 110 | It drops from a martion saucer. | |
Star Wrath | 110 | Star Wrath drops from moon lord. | |
Meowmere | 200 | It drops from the Moon Lord. |