In this guide, you’ll learn how to get a Horse or an Ox in Albion Online.
You’ll automatically receive a mule as a starter mount when you play through the new player tutorial on Albion Online.

But soon enough, you’ll need a mount that’s faster and enables you to carry more stuff.

For new players, the two most common types of mounts available are horses and oxen. You can buy either one mostly at any market.

There are always some players selling them in each location but you are encouraged to wait until you arrive at a large city such as Bridge watch Fort, Sterling Limehurst, Martlock, or Thetford.
It is possible that the prices may be lower there.

The question is what kind of mount should you get because horses are faster than oxen but they can’t carry as much stuff as oxen.
If you don’t plan on gathering goods like mining ore or chopped trees, then a horse is probably a better option than oxen. As oxen are slower than horses but they can carry more stuff with them if you want to gather goods.
You can also get both rides if you want. Whichever ride you buy, you won’t be able to ride it until you get a saddle by purchasing or gathering materials to create it. Take the material to the saddler converter to make it into a saddle.

There are also other methods to get a mount. If you have bought a premium status, then you can buy a private island and upgrade it to level three to build a pasture and a farm. After that, buy carrot seeds from the farm vendor or the marketplace, and they may be cheaper at the market.

You have to plant your carrot seeds on the farm and use focus to water them. It will take 22 hours to harvest them.

Once you have earned 1350 total fame harvesting carrot seeds, then it’s time to put that pasture to use.

Now you have a foal or an ox calf and raise it from a baby to an adult. The advantage of this is that if you raise the baby with the focus, they’ll consequently earn new babies that you can keep raising and selling the full-grown animals or the mounts at the marketplace.

Another way obviously is to murder some unlucky player and take his mount but that bears some risks.
One more thing is that you can find which mounts you are eligible to ride by going to your destiny board pressing “b “and following the line directly up from the center. The adventurer skill nodes will show you which mounts you can ride.

Getting fame from pretty much any activity counts towards this particular line, so you’ll automatically be eligible for better mounts as you progress in the game you don’t have to plant harvest or do anything special to qualify for better mounts.