How to be a Professional Hitman in GTA Online

This guide will let you know how to be a Professional Hitman in Grand Theft Auto Online. You have to follow all the instructions carefully to become a hitman. 

After completing three missions, you will get a phone call from Franklin. Then you have to find a payphone around the map, marked with a blue phone symbol, and there will be almost thirty locations on the map, as shown in the image below. To unlock the payphone, you will need to own an agency and complete three security contracts.  

You need to pick it up to start the mission when you get to the phone. There are eight different payphone missions: The CEO, The Cofounder, The Judge, THe Tech Entrepreneur, The Trolls, The Dealers, and The Hitmen. With these missions, you will earn Assassination Bonus, increasing your pay. Without this bonus, the payphone will not give you anything. 

With these missions, you and your associates will earn up to fifteen thousand dollars. If you complete the mission correctly, you will earn up to seventy thousand dollars, and your associate will earn a thirty thousand dollar bonus. The assassination bonuses range from the varsity of different challenges, and they will depend on the mission type you will be currently doing, as shown in the image below.  

In one of the missions, you need to kill the target by dropping a crate on them. But, in the next part of the same mission, you have to fill the target with a gas tank explosion, and you will get eighty-five thousand dollars for the leader but the cooldown time to do another mission is almost twenty minutes in real life. 

You don’t have to rely on rng to find another payphone because you can also call Franklin after completing your first mission, which will activate the nearest payphone mission. When you complete a payphone hit as an associate, the cooldown also applies to you. If you complete a payphone hit, you need to make sure to save your game by changing outfits and then close the game and reload it online and see that it will skip the cooldown time. 

There are also some rewards for completing the assassination bonuses for the missions. If you complete ten payphone hits using the assassination bonuses, you also have to kill the target by following the instructions given by the game.

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