How to Change Country or Region on PS5 PlayStation Store

In this guide, you will learn how to change a Country or Region on the PS5 PlayStation Store. You have to follow all the instructions carefully to change it. 

You will need to go to the Playstation store, up to the top of the d-pad, and go all the way to the right. You will find three little dots that says “more” you have to select this with X and scroll down to find the “storefront country” option, especially if you’re in Europe.

When you select this, you will see your current country and language. Tap on the country, and you will find the list of countries, select one, and the language will automatically change according to that particular country. 

You can only make purchases from your home country storefront, so let’s go to confirm now and then change everything over to the country you just selected. 

Now, if you’re trying to find something out of the United Kingdom or the European Union, you will need to make a new account. To do so, tap on “switch user” or log out. After that, go to “add user” tap on “get started,” and then go to “I agree”. Click on “create an account” and follow the setup process, you also need a new email address and password. 

After that, find a country you want to go ahead and change, set it, and it should switch over. Now you’ll need a city in that country, the postal code, and the state or province, so you need to look that up on Google. 

So you can just easily type all that information in and verify your email address. 

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