How to Connect PS4 Controller to PC with DS4 Windows Driver

This guide will let you know how to connect a PS4 Controller to a PC with a DS4 Windows Driver. You have to follow the following steps to connect the PS4 controller to your PC.

1- First of all, you have to open the following link and it will take you to the download page of the framework, it is the framework on which the DS4 windows are built. Once you reach this site, you have to click on the Download button to download this framework and then install it.

2- After installing the dot net framework, you also have to download the DS4 windows. For this, you have to go to the following link…. Scroll down and under assets, you will find the seven zip folders, you need to click on it and it will start downloading.

Once the download completes, click on the “show in folder” button and then extract that folder by right-clicking on it and then 7 zip. After that, select the extract to DS Windows option.

3- After this, you have to open the folder and then open up the DS4 Windows application file with the logo of the controller. Then you have to select the place where you want to install this. So here you have to select the program folder as it will prevent all the weird errors.

4- Once the installation completes, you have to open the DS4 windows and then go to the settings. Click on the controller/setup drivers, it will open up the little pop-up window and from here you have to install the vision bus driver as this driver interfaces with all the USB controllers. In this window, you will also find some additional drivers but you don’t need to install these.

5- After this, go back to the main page of the Ds Windows driver, and click on the controller tab on the top left of your screen. Then you have to click on the Start button but before doing this, make sure that you are controller is plugged in.

6- Once you click on the start button a new window will pop up, and it will show you your controller. Once the controller name appears in the controller list, you can start playing your game. It will be registered on your computer as an Xbox controller.

7- In case you want to key bind some button, you have to click on the Edit button and then the keys window will open up. Click on the button of controller and it will open up a new window and there, you can select the button you want to bind.

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