How to Create your own Game Server with Nikyus Server Creator

In this guide, you will find out how to create your own Game Server with Nikyus Server Creator (2022). First of all, you have to full fill out all the requirements, then open the Nikyus Server Creator, and set up the server for your game.

1- Requirements

1- You will need to click on the following link as it will take you to the official site of XAMPP. Click on the Download button and then follow the instruction to download and install the XAMPP as it is the first requirement of creating your own server.

2- The next thing that you must have is the Heidi SQL. To download this, you have to click on the following link and it will take you to the download page of the Heidi SQL. After reaching this site, click on the download link and then follow the instructions to download and install this.

3- After that, you have to download the Five M as, without this, you will not be able to jump to a new server. Also, you must have an account with Five M, you just need to sign up and it is totally free. To download Five M, you have to click on the link and it will take you to the download page of Five M.

4- You also have to create a new key, open up the following link and it will take you to the key master page. There, you can create your key as you have to put this key inside of your server cfg.

2- Nikyus Server Creator

1- Now you have to go to the Nikyus website, you will find three options there and you have to click on the first option “Server Creator”. It will take you to the download page, you need to click on Download Now and once the downloading completes, install it.

2- Then open it up, and create an account on it so that you will be able to sign in. With this, you have to open a drive, and you can open any drive on your computer. Create a new folder in this drive and then name this folder “Server”. After this, go to the server create and then click on the Create Server button on the bottom right of your screen. It will ask you about what game you want to select for the server, you need to select Five M as you want to create a server for GTA.

3- After selecting it, you have to come to the configuration part by scrolling down and then clicking on the magnifying glass. It will open a box and you need to set the location where you want to install your server. Then give your name to your server by writing it in the column below the path selection for the server and click on the Install button. You have to a patient as it will take some time in creating the server.

4- You will find the new server on the home screen of the server creator. Now you have to select the server and it will take you to the server page, the first option here is the console from where you can start and stop your server. The 2nd option is the config where you have to put your license key which you have got from the key master. You will also get the option to put your steam API keys on the right side of your screen. Then you have to option of max players then the server port and then the server hostname and the server description.

5- The 3rd option is the file manager it is the place where you will be able to find your server CFG. By default, it is fully set up, you don’t need to do anything here.

6- The next option is a database. For this, you need to run your Xampp, open its control panel, and run the Apache. You also have to run MySQL.

After this, open the Heidi SQL and go to the Session manager. You will find the “New” button on the bottom left of the screen, click on it, and then create a new folder. You need to name this folder “Five M”.

Then go back to the creator server and select the database. In case you want a new database, then you have to click on the New Database button.

7- After this, go to the settings option and you will have the option for the discord support under port forwarding. You will also have the option of moving the server from one drive to another drive. You will find the “back up your server” option as it will make a copy of your server if anything happens. You also have the option to rename and delete your server.

8- Now you have to go to the file manager and select the server.cfg. Now in the 8th line, you have to delete the # before the ensure vMenu, and also delete the # before the ensure Easy admin. After doing this, press the Save Content button.

9- In case, you want to find out where your server is installed, you have to go to file manager and then click on the Folder button. The server folder will open in front of you.

10- After doing this, go to the console and then press the Start button as it will run the server. Now you can enjoy your game on a new server.

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