How To Cure a Curse in The Sims 4

In this guide, you will come to know how to cure a curse in The Sims 4. Go through the guide and follow all the instructions carefully to cure it. 

First, you have to cast the spell De Curse on your Sim; it is a spell from an unchained magic branch. Also, you will need to make sure that your Sim is at depth level in spell caster so that you can discover and minimal cast charge will increase the chance of success.

After that, you have to brew the potion of Kurth cleansing. For this, you need to have a Mandrake, angelfish, apple and citron. Once you have them, all you need to do is gather them and start experimenting until you discover them. You will need to be on the jet-level spell caster to discover it. 

You have to brew the potion, then take a sip, and you will see that your Sim is cured; if you have to copycaster spell, then you have to cast it on the potion several times because it will take an excessive amount of time and then you can reuse them, as shown in the image below. 

If your Sim is a fresh-faced spell caster, you can also buy a potion of curse cleansing for five hundred aspiration points. If you don’t want to be cursed, you can also get the hex proof perk from the spell caster perks panel, and for this, you need to be on the master level in spell caster. 

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