How to find Ballooner & Lady Red Jade – TABS

This guide will let you know how to find the two new secret renaissance units in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. You have to follow the step-by-step instructions in this guide to find it. 

Step 1

First, open the new “renaissance” map by clicking the Sandbox tab.

After that, you will need to click on the Renaissance tab.

Step 2

Press F to enable free camera mode., then look up and fly to the ballooner unit. 

If you come closer to it, then the ballooner unit will get unlocked. 

Step 3 

The second unit is on the dynasty map. You can open it by clicking on the Dynasty tab under the select map.

After that, you will need to move to the first roof crease; the red arrow shows the object’s location.  

It will be easier to fly under the roof crease. 

And then, the red jade unit will get unlocked.

Of course, you will find these secret units in the secret faction. 

Some balloons are in action here, as you can see in the image below. 

You will get a red victory, and then you have to press the tab to continue.

Here are the Lady red jades in action. 

Again you will get a red victory, and then you have to press the tab to continue. 

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