How to Find & Delete or Backup Save Files Folder – Sims 4

In this guide, you will come to know how to find and delete or backup the save files folder of Sims 4 on PC. You have to follow the step-by-step instructions in this guide to do so.  

Step 1

First, you will need to press the Load Game button.  

Step 2

After that, move your mouse cursor to a save file & press ‘X’ to delete it. 

Step 3

If you want to open the sims 4 saves folder, you have to open file explorer and go to “documents”. Right-click the Windows home button, select “file explorer,” and open “documents.”  

Step 4

Then open “electronics arts”, and select “Sims 4”.  

Step 5

After that, you will need to open the “saves” folder. It is recommended to back up the saved files. 

Now, all saved files should be deleted so that you have to start a new game, set up everything to start a new one. 

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