In this guide, you will come to know how to fix Blur & Grain in Call of Duty Vanguard. You have to follow the simple steps in this guide to get rid of this.
Step 1
You will first need to go to the game options and tap on the Settings option. There, you have to tap on the Graphics tab on the upper side of the screen.
You first have to adjust the color customization option where you use filters to customize the color of the game and the color swatches, as shown in the image below.
Step 2
The next option you will need to click on is Field of View; if you don’t have a high Field of View, you cannot have the maximum view of the field, so try to keep it on more than 100 to 105.
Step 3
After that, you will need to turn off the World Motion Blur, Weapon Motion Blur, and Depth of Field from the settings because these can add blur effects on your screen while moving around in the game.
You have to turn on the Fidelity FX Cas option because it will sharpen your gaming screen, making the screen clearer.
Step 4
The last option, On-Demand Texture Streaming, is used to download the high-quality textures to your console storage from the internet, and it will provide more color detail on services. You have to click on it to open a new tab with more options.
Turn on the On-demand texture streaming, and if you don’t have a good internet network, you have to enable the download limit from the second option in texture settings. If you have a good internet connection, you will need to turn it off. You can also allocate the amount of your cache for download in the last option.
Step 5
To adjust the High Dynamic Range Colors, you will need to go to the home screen on your PlayStation and then tap on the Settings button to open the settings options. You have to scroll down in the settings and go to the “Screen and Video” settings, as shown in the image below.
Step 6
Next, you will need to tap on the Video Output tab and go to adjust HDR. You have to follow the on-screen instructions to adjust the image, as shown in the image below.