How To Fix Lag In Tencent Gaming Buddy/Gameloop

If you are facing a lag in Tencent Gaming Buddy, then this guide will tell you how you can fix that problem. It will provide you with the best settings to avoid this lag.

Step 1

Properly adjust your Emulator settings and Update to the latest version.

Open Settings Center, then navigate to the Engine and set rendering to OpenGL(Best Performance).

Set the settings as follow:

Anti-aliasing: close.

If you have 4GB ram memory to 2048 ml (Ex=8GH ram – 4096) Basically set it to half of your system memory.

Processor: 2 (set it to 4 if you have a quad-core processor)

Resolution: Your Max display resolution(Not more than that) DPI- Less than 240.

Gaming Resolution: 720p (If you play on a budget laptop), 1080 – If you have a dedicated Graphic card.

Display Quality: Auto or Smooth.

Update the emulator if necessary.

Step 2

Adjust your system page file size to 8GB. *Most Important.

Open system properties, then navigate to Performance Option and increase the page file size. As in this case it’s 4GB. Set it to 8GB = 8192MB (Only do it for your System Drive; C drive).

Go to Windows Admin tools > Local Security Policy.

  1. In the left pane, navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies.
  2. Expand Local Policies, select User Rights Assignment, and open lock pages in memory.
  3. Add your PC Admins name and then click on Apply


  1. Restart the pc.

Let’s see if the file size has increased or not.

Now it’s set to 8GB.

Step 3

Disable Full-Screen Optimization and Set Priority.

  1. Launch the emulator and then minimize it.
  2. Open task manager, navigate to Details, and then double click on AndroidEmultor.exe Properties.
  3. Under the compatibility tab, click on Change settings for all users.
  4. Check “Disable full-screen optimization” and then click on OK
  5. After that, set priority to Realtime.

Let’s change the in-game Graphic settings.

  • Set this to smooth for best performance.
  • Set Frame Rate – Extreme (60fps).
  • Disable Anti alising and Auto Adjust Graphics.


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