If you are facing a lag in Tencent Gaming Buddy, then this guide will tell you how you can fix that problem. It will provide you with the best settings to avoid this lag.
Step 1
Properly adjust your Emulator settings and Update to the latest version.
Open Settings Center, then navigate to the Engine and set rendering to OpenGL(Best Performance).
Set the settings as follow:
Anti-aliasing: close.
If you have 4GB ram memory to 2048 ml (Ex=8GH ram – 4096) Basically set it to half of your system memory.
Processor: 2 (set it to 4 if you have a quad-core processor)
Resolution: Your Max display resolution(Not more than that) DPI- Less than 240.
Gaming Resolution: 720p (If you play on a budget laptop), 1080 – If you have a dedicated Graphic card.
Display Quality: Auto or Smooth.
Update the emulator if necessary.
Step 2
Adjust your system page file size to 8GB. *Most Important.
Open system properties, then navigate to Performance Option and increase the page file size. As in this case it’s 4GB. Set it to 8GB = 8192MB (Only do it for your System Drive; C drive).
Go to Windows Admin tools > Local Security Policy.
- In the left pane, navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies.
- Expand Local Policies, select User Rights Assignment, and open lock pages in memory.
- Add your PC Admins name and then click on Apply
- Restart the pc.
Let’s see if the file size has increased or not.
Now it’s set to 8GB.
Step 3
Disable Full-Screen Optimization and Set Priority.
- Launch the emulator and then minimize it.
- Open task manager, navigate to Details, and then double click on AndroidEmultor.exe Properties.
- Under the compatibility tab, click on Change settings for all users.
- Check “Disable full-screen optimization” and then click on OK
- After that, set priority to Realtime.
Let’s change the in-game Graphic settings.
- Set this to smooth for best performance.
- Set Frame Rate – Extreme (60fps).
- Disable Anti alising and Auto Adjust Graphics.