How to Fix PS4 Error WS-43691-3

PS4 Error WS-43691-3 occurs when you purchase something from the store or PlayStation plus or download games online. 

This guide will let you know how to fix this error. Go through the guide and follow the simple steps to fix it. 

If you are a PlayStation plus user and try to renew your subscription, it will not let you do it, not even in the console itself. To fix this error, you can use a web browser or from your phone app and extend it from there. If you don’t buy it from Sony directly, you need to buy a Playstation code for the whole year subscription. After that, you have to add it, as shown in the image below.  

If you are downloading a game or DLC, you have to go to your Playstation setting and click on the Account Management option. Go to the Restore Licenses option, and then you have to click on the Restore button, as shown in the image below.  

When it is fully restored, it will resolve your server issue. After that, you have to restart your PlayStation, sign out from the account and then sign back. You will need to try again to fix your issue and then download the game easily.  

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