This guide will let you know how to get a Sharpness 1000 Sword in Minecraft Bedrock. The level 1000 sword that instantly kills anything it touches, can also work with axes and swords.
First of all, you will need a command block. To make it, you have to go to your chat and command and type ‘’/give @p command_block’’.
And you will get a command block. You also need a sword or any type of axe, it’s up to you. After that, you have to place a command block down, then shift and place down another command block.
Now go to the chat and command, type in ‘’’/tag @p add sharp1000’ and press enter.
After that, go into the first command block and select “block type” as “repeat” and “condition” as “unconditional” and “Redstone” as always ”active”. Then in the command input, you have to type in ‘’enchant @a[tag=sharp1000] sharpness 1’’.
Then in the second block, you have to select “Block type” as “chain”, “condition” as “conditional” and the “Redstone” to always “active”. After that, enter ‘’effect @a[tag=sharp1000] strength 1 30 true‘’ in the command input.
Now whenever you hold a sword, it will be shimmering and you will probably see some text scrolling. To disable it, you need to type ‘’/gamerule commandblockoutput false’’ in the chat and command.
Now go ahead and summon the ender dragon. If you just hit him once, he will die right away.