This guide will let you know how to get the Auto Drive for all the cars in Forza Horizon 5. Go through the guide and follow the simple steps to get it.
When you are on the game’s home screen, you will need to tap on the Settings menu, as shown in the image below.
After that, tap on the difficulty menu options, and there you have to set the difficulty level to “Highly Skilled”. Then go to the breaking option and select the assisted option, as shown in the image below.
You will need to set the steering to auto-steering and turn on the Traction control. You have to turn off the rewind button in the last option, as shown in the image below.
After all these settings, you need to save it and press the continue button. In the game, you will see that when you press the gas button, your car starts to drive slowly by itself, and you will see that the vehicle is moving automatically.