How to Get RARE Blue Axolotl in Minecraft 1.17.1

By following this guide, you will be able to get a Blue Axolotl in Minecraft 1.17.1. You have to follow a few steps along with the command, which will enable you to spawn a blue one for sure.

Blue Axolotl would spawn naturally in Minecraft, but it is very rare in the game. So you have to breed two axolotls. To do this, you need a big pond and ensure that the axolotls won’t go to the ocean.

You have to find an area that has a cluster of tropical fishes. Now take your bucket out and catch them.

After that, take them to axolotls and feed them.

After breeding, the baby has characteristics of one of the parents. So in the event that you keep reproducing them at an exceptionally uncommon possibility that the blue one will spawn. The Blue Axolotl is quite possibly the most uncommon thing in Minecraft.  

But you can spawn the Blue Axolotl in Minecraft by typing a command.

Just type the command given below:

/summon minecraft;axolotl ~ ~ ~ {Variant:4} 

And you will be able to spawn a Blue Axolotl in Minecraft.

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