This guide will tell how you can get the “???” badge in Roblox My Restaurant. You will also learn how to treat the Dominus Characters once they come to your restaurant.
This Badge is really hard to get. So in order to get the Badge, you will need to get a Special Character in your Restaurant. The Special Customer is the Dominous Customer.
He has a 1/100000 (or .0.001%) chance of coming to your restaurant. A Special event also occurs upon his arrival, he brings “Ghost” customers along with him. They will come in large numbers to your restaurant.
Upon their arrival, they sit on seats, order the food and eat it like a normal customer. However, The Ghost Customers only leave when the Special Customer (Dominos Customer) leaves the Restaurant. It’s basically a raid that the Dominus Customer does.
So once the Dominus Character is in your Restaurant, you need to serve him until he stops eating and leaves.
When he does leave, he’ll give 50K Money and the ??? Badge.
So in order to get the ??? Badge, you need to get the Dominus Customer your Restaurant and Serve him Food until he leaves. The Hardest part of this is that the Dominus Customer has a very low chance of Spawning, which is why few people have the Badge.