How to Get the Large Room Blueprint in Subnautica

In this guide, you will find how to get the Large Room Blueprint in Subnautica. You have to follow the instructions below to get it.

Using the large coral tube that sticks up out of the water as your starting point, you can head to either two locations to get the large room blueprints. You have to start from the coral tube and head about two bumps to the right of the southeast on the compass until you reach a large hole in the ground.

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Now for both locations, it is recommended to bring a seamoth with an MK1 depth module, sea glide, you will need a scanner, a compass obviously, so you can find the locations easily. You will also need a high-capacity 02 tank.

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When you arrive, you will find a multipurpose room that you will be able to scan, and when you scan and get the blueprint for the multipurpose room, the game should also give you the blueprint for the large room as well.

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The next location you can head to is the floating islands which you can find by using the same starting point as before and heading southwest or 1 bump to the left of the southwest on the compass until you reach the floating islands.

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