Best Assassin Warrior & Hunter Legendary Sets: Best Gear – Assassins Creed Odyssey

Here is something that you have been waiting for for a long while. The best gear of 2023 and the best assassin warrior and legendary hunter sets for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. There are many that you will find highly beneficial. On the other hand, there would be sets that you will consider not that advantageous because Epic Armour has an additional engraving on every piece, providing 400% to 500% critical damage if you compare them to one of these tiny set bonuses. So generally, epic gear is mighty, but it also takes a little hard work to acquire the correct pieces from the blacksmith. Since legendary gear begins with five fewer engravings than epic gear, losing all the more will not be suitable. For the ranking purpose, you must count the different numbers of drawbacks.

Engravings As A Whole

However, the first engraving can only be a warrior hunter or assassin. Now let’s see the second one and judge if it is a poor one or not.

Excellent Engravings That You need

These are the engravings that everyone needs in their creation, such as arms damage of any sort that is not crucial damage or even resistor engravings or overlook half damage. And the bear engravings are all of the other. Quick shots and crit damage at less health or the adrenaline benefits, swiftness of the movement during crouching, inebriation duration, and elemental buildup.

All of these are the things that you don’t want to have. Since if you needed your enemies anywhere, you didn’t need to hang for them to be poisoned. These legendary sets can be classified as Warrior Hunter, and Assassin sets, with an equal set bonus only for the other style of play. The first category, which has all 50% damage with your abilities, is the base game set. It means you can get these three basic sets throughout the main game. The war hero set is for warrior players, the pirate set is for assassin players, and the Artemis set is for hunter players.

The Best Sets Of These Three

Only two out of these three are greatly good, whereas the third one is perfectly terrible. But many people do not understand that Artemis set is bad. The warrior set does not only appear fine. Moreover, it is a free and excellent warrior set in the whole game. If you only want to play with legendary items, you cannot have a better set than this one. Besides, if you wish to go for DLC sets. For example, a renegade set or a nemeanlion set. When you obtain the complete pieces of the war hero set, this should be the set you go to in case you are a warrior player. The goodness to the beacon bow, the war hero set. This set is the finest hunter all by itself. Since a colossal handball will utilize your Aurora damage when you while you shoot arrows. And it also supports that Artemis set came up with so many dreadful engravings. It has almost no crit damage engravings or crit shots by any means. And it is stuffed with other hunter stuff with long-range target damage with a couple of charging, whether it be charge or damage. Even if you are not playing with a bighorn bow, the Artemis set will not be good in that case also since you have to add crit shot or crit damage either.

The Pirate Set

But you cannot include more bows into it, and it will come out as an utterly reverse set. The Pirate set is the finest of the base X3 set by far, it has only one adrenaline engraving over the torso, making it an almost perfect set. The Pirate set is one of the best Assassin sets if it is not the best. It surely cannot be wrong if you use the pirate set for your Assassin playthrough. But for hunter players and Vora, you must use the war hero set in either case. You should choose better basic sets if you need to have comparatively better than the base legendary sets. These sets have a 100% crit damage bonus that will give you more damage than the original 50% damage for capabilities. Also, they have way fewer downsides and generally better potential.

One Of The Best Sets

If there is a significantly better set than the war hero set, that is The Spartan Renegade set. It has only one drawback instead of having three altogether. It has a prejudice that it has a space engraving and damage.

The Dionysos Set

It is an excellent Assassin set; it has only a single bad engraving. It is wholly piled up with crit shots and vital damage. Or the crucial shot and damage at full health engraving due to a more robust set bonus. The honor of this set is that it is the most powerful legendary assassin set in the game overall.

The Sphinx Set

Having similar problems as the Artemis set, this set is also worthless to utilize any hunter damage when you can use the bighorn bow. And utilize your warrior sets and warrior damage for it. But the sphinx set has way fewer downsides. It also includes two unique items, so it is not worth purchasing the set. It will unlock the belt of the sphinx, unlike the belt with 20 crit shots on it. Furthermore, it unlocks the unique arms of the sphinx that have an unlike-build charging speed engraving.

The Crit Chance Sets

These sets comprise an out-and-out finest set in the whole game, the mainline set. It has one downside on the torso, but it does not matter much. Or since it includes all the crit shots and crit damage stuff for each and every Vora hunter set build. This is the top-notch set; the set bonus works as two engravings. To get a 10% crit chance at total health and 50% critical damage at full health and even the engraving.

The Nameon Lion Set

The Nameonlion set opens that. It is also frequently used in epic builds to have the last 5% crit chance for that build. But plenty of other sets in the category are not more than trash. You would never like to have low health bonuses since the low health bonuses are only applied when your health bar shows red or if you have health not more than 6% when you utilize the fox engraving. So precisely, just before dying, obtain the bonus and then die anyway in any setting that provides you only a 20% crit chance when you utilize specific capabilities. It is trash only since you may engrave a 20% crit chance for everything, somewhat of the set bonus, and the unbelievable numbers of downsides on these sets prove themselves.

The Cooldown Sets (The Ezio Set)

These sets are no less than a treasure since they comprise one of the top of the line sets in the game. The Ezio set has only one bad perk: its set bonus. For a hero strike, it gives you a cooldown bonus instead of an additional damage boost. But because the hero strike is one of the most utilized capabilities. And you will utilize it frequently, and it does not hurt much. The Ezio set is available at the beginning of the game and is entirely free. Therefore, this set is a perfect substitute. And its parts are used in the game build.

The Northern Travelers Set

This double-edged sword is the only legendary set with 4 engraving slots. So, all the added engravings A’s are wrong and give you 5% complete damage. Therefore, all these additional engravings are bad anyway. Nevertheless, it opens up a crazy RS madness cooldown reduction. For all of that, you don’t require the set. You may utilize the set bonus and keep it on a diverse set. It will also give you the same bonus on any other set without any decrease. One of the favorite categories of the players is Tank build.

The Greek Hero Set

However, in this category, only one set is glowing since it gives a 30% all-resistance bonus. It will let you eliminate two types of damage out of elemental resistance: range and meal resistance. You will find an additional elemental decrease from the Hercules and Mermidon sets. You may achieve 100% in all three. So, you don’t need to choose any other set. You may use the greek hero set by putting in the engravings from the other set and make this one a tank build you love. The greek hero set lets you stay in total health at any moment. All the other secondary sets will only restore your health when you already took damage. Therefore, that is more despicable since you will not have all the possible crit damage bonuses. Avoiding damage is always better than restoring your health.

The Base Game Elemental Sets

These are slightly weak examples of legendary sets. They have plenty of fire poison damage, indeed. But their engravings are entirely worthless, like build-up and duration increases.

The Snake Set

That shot all your enemies in a single go when you have a build. Then duration increase is not your requirement. You don’t need any build-up, and duration increases since your enemies will die at the spot instead of burning.

The Agamemnon Set

You should use a poisoned dagger, a burning sword, or anything else you want. And utilize it to enhance your impact damage. Since to see damage over time effect, you need to make your build so feeble that your enemy endures your assault that challenges the purpose of creating good builds.

The Adrenalin Sets

These sets are so terrible in the classification. They have bad engravings in great numbers, including an awful set bonus. You cannot obtain unlimited adrenalin with any of these sets. Therefore, the set bonus has no purpose. The only cause they could be considered is enhanced adrenalin consumption from the incubating engraving, which these set bonuses can face.

The Situational Sets

Now, let’s get into the region of horrible bonuses and situational and the sets that can never be recommended to use in any situation. The Helio set provides 200% damage whenever on fire. But how many times have you gotten on fire? This does not happen repeatedly. And the issue is that even at 100% elemental resistance. You will not be able to make critical hits. So, some bug stops it from getting a good ranking.

Other Bonuses

100% damage in the middle of the air is of no use. Similarly, 100% damage while hiding somewhere can only be advantageous for those who always like to hide in bushes. The worst method of acquiring adrenalin is from Parry in the game, and it has highly fewer results. And get an additional 70% of all resistance that will stay for 3 seconds only.

The Bad Sets (The Demigod Set)

Nearly all of their benefits are horrible and stop them from utilizing them in any acceptable way. This set has 5 times all damage on its accessories. It means you have 50% warrior damage and squander 5 slots for it. You may have 500% essential damage rather than considering how bad 50% is. And here, you may also buy pilgrims since the shadow of noobs is a capability you don’t need while you have 6 cents active in your build. You are 8 seconds ahead of your enemy attack. It means you have 8 seconds to do much with your enemy and will not be identified. The set provides so many adrenalin engravings, which is nothing but rubbish. So, if the set does not require that adrenalin, the shadow of noobs is only for those unable to play stealth. Who doesn’t know about viewing fields? Who gets identified so many times without utilizing it! Moreover, you don’t need the pilgrim set to utilize this capability.

The Conclusion About The Best Assassin Sets

The best assassin sets are:

Dionysos Set (best DLC), Ezio Set (best free), Pirate Set (best base game).

The best warrior and hunter sets are:

Nameonlion Set (best DLC and best overall), Renegade Set (2nd best DLC), War Hero Set (best base game).

The best tank set:

Greek Heroes Set (best base game).

In short, the basic sets are enough to beat your enemies and have a lot of fun with them.