In this guide, you will come to know how to get Void plumes in Warframe. Go through the guide and follow all the instructions carefully to get them.
Void plumes are found only on the Zariman tileset. However, there are several ways you can get them, with some ways being a little bit harder than the others. The first way is by simply going into any random mission and looking around the map for void plumes as they can spawn randomly on the floor on the map.
There are five different types of void plumes: doen, vane crest, quill, and pinion. Some of them drop from different locations than others.
You can get void plume down by running a tier 1 Bounty for the holdfast or running any mission on the Zariman tileset and looking for them as they have a chance to spawn around the map on the ground. You can find the Voidplume vane’s in the same way downs can; however, 2 bounties instead of tier 1.
Void plume crest’s are the same as the last two, except you’ll be running tier 3 bounties instead of 2 or 1.
Now with void plume quills’, you can get them as a reward for completing just about any bounty. You can put a Zariman accolade into a console found randomly in the mission on the Zariman tileset, and once you put the Zariman accolade in, you’ll receive a void plume quill from the console, and finally, you can get void plume quills by killing void angel’s found in void armageddon mission.
Finally, void plume pinion’s, the main way you can get them is by killing void angels. You can also find them randomly in missions on the Zariman tileset.
Also, if you’re looking around the map for them, it is recommended to have a loot detector to make finding them a little easier.
Killing void angels who can randomly spawn in your mission, but you have to activate them to fight them. You can do it by walking up to a dormant one and interacting with it.
You can find the Small panels/consoles in whatever Zariman mission you’re running. And if you find a Zariman accolade that isn’t that hard to find. They can be found somewhere nearby the panel; if you put the accolade in the console, you will be rewarded with a void plume.