How To Get White Joggers In GTA 5 Online

In this guide, you will come to know how to get a White Joggers in GTA V. It is worth knowing this glitch and having more fun with the game.

White joggers are one of the rare joggers in the game. You can get them through a glitch. It is a transfer glitch which means that you will lose all of your outfits. So to get the white joggers, you need to sacrifice your outfits. If you don’t have many outfits, you won’t regret losing them and get a white jogger easily. 

Now go to the Pause menu and come up to the Online section. Then, you have to go to the Swap Character option.

You have to create a new character; it must be a female character, and then go to the Edit option. You can customize the character according to your choice. After making the changes, come to the Save & Continue option and enter the character’s name.

Afterward, go to the Clothing Store, you need to change the pants of your character. Go to the pants section, put on the sports pants, and put on the Spotted Muscle Pants

After that, you have to go to the shoe section and put on the Crimson Cowboy Boots

After getting those things, go to the front desk and save your outfit. Now you have to kill yourself.

Go to the Pause menu and come up to the Online section. Then go to the Creator option to create a race. To do this, come to the Create a Race option, click on the Land Race and enter the race details like Title, Description, Photo, Maximum Players, Race Type to Standard, Default Class to Super, and then pick up the car.  

Afterward, come to the Placement, click on the Place Trigger and select the trigger location.

Then go to the Lobby Camera and take a picture.

Now, you will need to go to Checkpoints and place it at .70 miles.  

After selecting them, go to the Test option. Now you need to complete the race and then save the race.

After that, go to the Pause menu and navigate to the Online section. Then click on the Choose Character. There you need to delete the female character. Just make sure you will delete the new female character which you made and not the male character. 

Now, go back to the story mode, go to the Pause menu, and then to the Online section. Then click on the Play GTA Online and further click on Invite Only Session.

Afterward, go to the Clothing Store. Now you need to change the pants of your character. Go to the pants section and put on the Light Grey Large Cargos.

After that, you need to go to the shoe section and put on the rubberized boots. You have to put on the Aqua Camo Trail.

Now again, go to the Pause menu and come up to the Online section. Click on the Jobs and further click on the Quick Job. Then go to the Versus and start up the Crooked Cop.  

Here you have to select the Player Owned option as Clothing. Then come to the Confirm Settings. Then select Matchmaking to Open and click on Auto-Invite. If you have a friend, then it will be much easier for you. 

Then start it up after you get some players. Then switch the Owned Outfit to that outfit that you saved earlier. There you will get invisible hands. Now go to your Accessories and put on earpieces. Then back out of a job. 

After getting back, go to the Clothing Store and save this as an outfit. Then the glitch is on, and you have your White Joggers in GTA V.

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