This guide will let you know how to make 1 MILLION as an Electrician in 1 hour in Grand Theft Auto 5 RP.
The electrician’s work is very simple. On your first skill level, you need to connect wires that are located on a random stop sequence and your job is to get the right wire into the right socket.
To increase your speed in getting the right connection, you need to imagine that you have three wires yellow, orange and green, and also three connection points pink, blue and gray. To connect the first wire as fast as you can, you need to use this tactic, you have to connect a yellow wire with a blue connection point, then an orange wire with a pink connection point, and a green wire with a gray connection point.
If the first attempt is unsuccessful you repeat the same by starting with an orange wire connecting it with a blue point and then a green wire with the pink connection point and so on.
So every time you connect different wires with connection points, you have to find the right connection. It will exclude the possibility of making a mistake by using a combination twice while one combination is going to be the right one. According to all calculations, the time that you save with this tactic is close to ten percent. The cost of one electrical panel is thirty dollars without a contract and forty dollars with it.
So in exactly one hour, you’ll manage to fix 200 connections which are six thousand dollars without a contract and eight thousand with it.
So in order to get one million dollars on the first skill level of the electrician job, you will need 125 hours.
But do not worry because, after 250 shields which would take an hour, you will have the opportunity to get level two. The price tag is more attractive, three hundred dollars for a shield without a contract and four hundred dollars with the contract. But the difficulty in this is you need to travel to random points located in the state every time as you can see the number of wires is growing noticeably.
The tactic will still work flawlessly and in an hour with a bit of luck, you can manage to fix 26 shields which are 7,800 without a contract and 10,400 dollars with the contract. To get the million dollars, you will need to work for approximately 100 hours. The final step in the calculation is the third level of the electrician skill which you can obtain by fixing only 40 shields at which you can independently conclude contracts with other players and receive 10% of their earnings.
To earn 1 million dollars in an hour on the third skill level of the electrician job, you will need to conclude a contract with 625 contracts with the workers with a first skill level and 500 contracts with workers who are a second skill level.
In this case, you will be able to earn a million dollars only on concluded contracts.
Therefore it’s pretty realistic to complete a contract with 50 people that are first and second skill level which at the end of an hour can come out to about 50 thousand dollars plus eight thousand dollars earned yourself. This way you will be earning 58 thousand dollars every hour which then will take you only 17 hours of diligent work to bypass the one million dollar mark.
You can also get pretty rare item drops for fixing the shields which are worth quite a lot which you can then sell on the market for a good price and get yourself some really good extra income otherwise you can use them to craft unique pieces of clothing in your inventory.