You can use the sponge block to remove the water around itself wherever you place it. To make a Dry Sponge, you’ll need to find Ocean Monuments to get a Wet Sponge and then use Furnace to Dry it. Please follow the following steps to make a Dry Sponge.
Ocean Monuments
In order to make sponge we first need to find ocean monuments. You will have to prepare some potions (potion of water breathing, potion of night vision, potion of regeneration) and then find the ocean monuments. Go towards the ocean and find a monument deep down in the ocean. These potions will help you to find and see the monument from above the water and also help you to breathe while you go down the ocean.
Wet Sponge
Go down the ocean to find and kill the elder guardian to get a wet sponge or search some wet sponges inside ocean monuments. It will take some time to kill the elder guardian there to get a wet sponge, so be patient until you get a wet sponge.
Sponge using Furnace
Now you need to go towards the furnace and add wet sponge in the top box and a piece of coal in the bottom box so that you can get a dry sponge. You will see a dry sponge at the right side box. Add this newly made item into your “ready to use” stock.