This guide will let you know how to make the Best Sharpshooter build in the NBA 2k22: Current Gen. You have to follow the steps in this guide to make the best Sharpshooter Build.
All you need to do is go to the Shooting Guard Position; you have to set the height as 6’5’’, weight as 205 LB, and wingspan as 6’10’’. You can select the body shape according to you, but it doesn’t matter. You can select the body shape as defined. After making the changes, tap on Continue.
Afterwards, under the Finishing section, you need to set the Driving layup to 87, Driving Dunk to 87, Standing Dunk to 57 and Post Control to 32. Further, under the shooting section, you must set the Mid-Range Shot and Three-Point Shot to maximum and Free Throw to 90.
Under the PlayMaking section, you have to set the Speed With Ball to 87. For Defence or Rebounding, you have to set the Perimeter Defence to 86, Block to 64, Offensive Rebound to 78 and Defensive Rebound to 82. After that come to the Physicals section, and there you have to set the Speed and Acceleration to maximum, Vertical to 70 and Stamina to 60.
You have to set the Pass Accuracy, and Ball Handle to 79. It will determine the name of your build. So if you want to name it a sharpshooter, you have to set them. These both are essential aspects.
If you have set the Pass Accuracy to 80 and finished making your build, it will turn your sharpshooter build to Sharpshooting Facilitator.
If you have set the Ball Handle to 80, it will turn your sharpshooter build to Shot Creator.
So if you want to have the sharpshooter name for your build, you have to set the Pass Accuracy and Ball Handle to 79; you will not get more badge points. You can increase your Vertical to 82 under the Physicals section.
It will give you a rare sharpshooter name along with 7 Finishing badge points, 29 Shooting badge points, 12 Playmaking badge points, and 9 Defense badge points. It is the best way to maximize the number of badges while labelled as a sharpshooter.
You can choose the Takeover according to you. You can also choose the Anklebreaking Shots.
In this way, you can make the best sharpshooter build in the NBA 2k22: Current Gen and have more fun playing the game.