In this guide, you will come to know how to master the Jab Steps in NBA 2021. Follow all the steps carefully to jab step.
Jab step depends on your pivot foot. Your player will do a jab step depending on which direction you can flick the right stick, as shown in the image below.

If you flick it to the right, your player jab steps to the side; if you flick to the top right, your player jab steps to the top right. If you flick the right stick up, then your player jab steps forward, and if you do it to the top left, your player will jab steps across. If you flick the right stick to the left, then your player jab steps all the way across.

If you flick the right stick down, your player can do a pump fake, and when you combine these jab steps, your player will trick the defender before you start dribbling, as shown in the image below.

You cannot do jab steps once you start dribbling; you have to do jab steps when you catch the ball.

You can use the jab steps to trick your opponent into thinking that you will come in, so they’ll back up, and you could take a jump and shoot a basket. If the defenders cannot move, then you have to use the jab steps to confuse them.

If you’re going to the left or right side, you can drive in after a couple of jab steps and take a jump shot, layup shot, or dunk shot.

Jab steps are the best method to get yourself open, have good shots, and win the games.