In this guide, you will learn how to open the ICE Chests and Doors in The Ascent. Follow the simple steps in this guide to do so.
When you find these chests, you will require Ice-2 to open them up. You have to press the C button from the keyboard to use cyber hacking to hack it.
After cyber hacking, you will get the cyberdeck upgrade, as shown in the image below.
There are about ten cyberdeck upgrades in the game, and each of them will upgrade you in a pattern. After getting the first four cyber decks, you can unlock the Ice-2, and same as if you have the first three, you will be able to unlock Ice-1.
You will find components, different types of loot, and also cyberdeck upgrades in the chests. You will find these upgrades of the cyberdeck as the chests symbols across the whole map. Few of these chests are linked to the story, as shown in the image below.
There are ten levels for cyberdeck upgrades.