This guide will let you know how to play as a Yoga and Meditation instructor in The Sims 4. Go through the guide and follow the step-by-step instructions to play as a Yoga and Meditation instructor.
The first thing you will need to do is go to the Aspirations menu, and there you need to get a self-care specialist who will reward you. You can progress as a yoga instructor. When you get it first, your Sim will also pick the spa membership trait in which you will get free treatments at the spa lots, as shown in the image below.
You have to buy a yoga mat or a meditation stool and start training your wellness skill until you reach level 2. When you get to level 2, you will start meditation classes. You can run these classes in any community lot, so you have to set up yoga classes or meditation studio spaces in gyms or parks as well.
You don’t have to do yoga outside in the winter season because your Sim will freeze to death, so you have to make sure to keep the classes outdoors only in warmer weather and winter. As shown in the image below, you need to arrange the yoga classes indoors and get the cold acclimation island and ice-proof perks for yoga.
To set yoga classes, you need to have an instructor mat facing regular yoga mats, and for meditation, all stools and pillows work the same. There will be no specific meditation stool, so you need to have one stool facing the others. You can have upto five sims who can join your class, and the participants will pay 110 Simoleons per person for yoga.
For meditation, you will get 80 Simoleons per participant, so you have to choose whether to be a yoga instructor or a host guided meditation to earn money. If you choose to lead the yoga and meditation class, you will instruct the class for free.
When you host a public session, it will be free, and you will not get paid, but in a public session, anyone can join the yoga class for free. If you host a private class, you can invite five sims to join your class. The meditation classes are easier to host compared to yoga classes because there will be no random Sim running meditation classes.
But in yoga, random Sims can get the instructor mat, and in this situation, you have to wait until you find an opportunity to be an instructor.
You can also talk with the yoga instructors and ask them to take over the class. The self-care expertise will triple your revenue from yoga and meditation sessions. You will earn 230 Simoleons for each Sim who attends your yoga class and 240 Simoleons for each Sim who takes meditation classes from you.
You need to earn five thousand Simoleons from teaching classes and gain self-care notoriety to complete the aspiration. You need to click on the yoga mat or meditation stools to do so. Then you have to click on the promote services option, as shown in the image below.
You have to do this ten times, and there will be a twenty-hour cooldown time between each action. If you want to become a spa regular, you need to host twenty yoga and meditation classes or arrange spa services in a spa venue. You need to give each Sim ten different types of services, and you will be paid each time you provide the service.
When you are taking classes, you need to invite other sims to the lot, and when they arrive, you need to invite them to your classes by hosting private yoga classes or meditation sessions.
Once you complete the self-care specialist aspiration, you have to get Zen Guru or inner peace inspirations to progress wellness. If you have an expansion pack, you need to make a yoga club to form a close-knit circle of like-minded yoga enthusiasts. The image below shows that you can use club perk points to unlock the skill bonus for training wellness.
When you reach level 7 on wellness skills, you will use meditation to teleport. So if you have the space on your home lot, you can also make a home yoga studio to run classes from home, and also, you have to invite other sims to join your classes, as shown in the image below.