How to Play RUST Offline & In Single Player (Create Server)

In this guide, you will come to know how to create a local private server to play Rust in the offline solo mode. You have to follow the guide, and you will know about the flexibility you can get in your server. 

You can create a local private server to play Rust in the offline solo mode. You will need zip software for this purpose; you can install any software like WinZip, WinRar or 7zip. It is recommended to install the 7zip because it’s free to use.

Once you have downloaded it, you need to click on the link given below.

Come down to Can I host a server? and you will get a link to get all the server commands. All you need to do is click on the “quick start zip here”, as you can see in the image below.

After downloading the file, you will need to unzip it with the unzip software. After you have done it, open the folder, and you will find a Run_DS.bat file. Right-click on the file and then click on the Edit. You can change the server name and server seed and change the numbers to create something different each time. 

After making changes, you have to click on the file at the top left side corner and click on the Save option.

After that, double click on the Run_DS.bat file to run the server; it will start creating a local server on the PC. You also need the steamID number from the steam application. You will right-click on the profile and then copy the URL, open the browser and paste it there. Then you will get to a website from where you can get the steamID number.

After completing the processing, you will need to type “ownerid”, paste the steamID number, and press the Enter button. Then you have to type the “writecfg” and then press Enter. Now you become the server owner, and you can see the commands in the image below.

Now don’t close the program window. Afterwards, you will run the Rust. Then press the F1 key. Now type the “client.connect<space>localhost:28015”. After entering the command,  press the Enter key.

Once you have done that, press the F1 key. Now you are the owner of your Rust server and got all the resources in the game. You can move freely around the world and spawn objects which you want in the game. You can also get all the points of interest. You get these advantages and many more on your server. 

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