How to Summon Star Mob – Ragnarok M Eternal Love

In this guide, you will come to know how to summon the Star Mob at EP5 in Ragnarok M Eternal Love. 

Using the new feature in EP5, Follow-Change-Channel. You have to follow your alt and quickly channel to farm MOB.  

Lava gem

Juno border checkpoint: every 30 minutes, destroy eggs, and harpy starx one will spawn.

Repeat – (Monk/battle priest can use warp portal w/o alt)

Juno Einbroch field: every 2h, after killing Martin Dearie, Martin princess +4, Martin star will spawn. 

You can leave the Martin princess alone or try to kill it to get a card and lava gem as well. 

Juno Magma dungeon 1F: slay 200 fiery Deviruchi, the 3-star mob will spawn. 

Juno rift: 5 times per day, each wave had the chance to get lava gem +

Sky stone (5th wave drops lave gem)    

Wraith Dust

Niff skellington: slay 100 ludes, one star-mob will spawn. 

Niff misty forest: every 15 minutes, destroy three tombs, and three star mobs will spawn.

Niff misty forest: every one h, slay four flames, one quve star mob will spawn.   

Niff rist: 5 times per day, each wave had the chance to get wraith dust/stock. (5th wave No guarantee drop) 

Light Granules

Labyrinth forest: map 15/16, rare mandragora seed will spawn every 1H30M. 

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