How to Turn On Voice Chat in Destiny 2 & Join Fireteam Chat

This guide will let you know how to enable Voice Chat in Destiny 2 and join Fireteam Chat seamlessly. Destiny 2 features a voice chat system, but it requires manual activation. If you’ve been wondering how to communicate with other players effectively, follow the steps below to get started.

Enabling Voice Chat

When you initially join a game, the voice chat will be disabled by default, which means you won’t be able to hear anyone. In this section, we will take you through the steps to enable Voice Chat.

  • To turn it on, press the “Options” button on your controller to open the menu.
  • Navigate to the settings section represented by a cog icon and then go to the Sounds tab.
  • Look for the “Voice Chat” option and ensure that the Voice Output Settings is set to your preferred device, either “Headset Only” or “Speaker.”
    If you choose “Speaker,” you can hear your friends through your device’s speakers.
Please Reload/Refresh this tab.

Fireteam Chat Settings

The fireteam voice chat channel is set to “Manually Opt-in” by default, meaning you have to enable it explicitly. This section describes how to change it.

  • Enter the voice chat menu as explained earlier and choose to “automatically opt-in when solo” to hear others more easily.
    Now when you are in a game, you’ll receive notifications when someone joins the voice chat channel.
  • Look for a message at the bottom left side of the screen indicating that a player has joined the chat.
    This way, you’ll know when others are ready to communicate.

Switching between Fireteam and Main Chat

Destiny 2 allows you to toggle between Fireteam Chat and the main chat menu effortlessly. This section will show you how to do it.

  • While in-game, bring up the screen where you find your ghost.
  • Press the left button on the d-pad to switch between Fireteam Chat and your team chat.

By following these steps, you’ll have Voice Chat enabled and be able to communicate effectively with other players during your Destiny 2 adventures.

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