In this brief guide, you will come to know how to unlock all three secret units in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator. You have to follow the step-by-step instructions to unlock Artemis, Executioner, and Mace Spinner.
The first thing you will need to do is go to the sandbox.

And open up the medieval 1 map.

You must enable the free camp mode by clicking F and then approaching the axe to unlock the executioner.

Mace Spinner
You will need to click on the sandbox and open up the medieval 2 map.

Again enable free cam and fly to the tower on the right.

You will find a mace spinner there.

Red victory, you have to press Tab to continue.

The first thing you have to do is click on the sandbox and open the ancient 1 map.

In free cam mode, you will need to fly to the lighthouse.

You have to get closer to the bow, and you will unlock Artemis.

Blue victory! Press tab to continue.