If you love playing Battlefield 2042 and want more information about the game, its characters, accessories, how to get them unlocked, the finest setups, weapons, updates, and so much more. Then this guide covers almost everything for you to know. You will learn how to unlock the new vault weapons in battlefield 2042. These weapons were included at the beginning of season 2 of this game.

The Vault Weapons
You will have two vault weapons here that came with the update of season 2. They come over from the portal to the base game. Let’s have a piece of in-depth information about these two here, which are the M16A3 and M60E4.

The Newly Added Vault Weapons
Three more vault weapons will be added at the season’s end: P90, AKS74U, and M98B. You can unlock all these weapons by completing two challenges. Go to your collection and click on a particular weapon to check the assignments. These challenges can be completed conveniently: solo matches, common all-out matches of war, and portal matches with full XP.
Solo Matches: Conquest Or Breakthrough

Breakthrough is recommended since it is comparatively easier, including a high action at a single place. When the weapons are unlocked, they can be used in multiplayer and mastered, such as all other weapons.
The sole difference in the vault weapons is that no gear has to be unlocked for them because all the accessories are pre-unlocked right from the beginning. Further, no skins for weapons are available, and no gear can be unlocked. Even tier-1 skin too is not accessible.

But these weapons still have something you can work hard for, which are mastery badges. These can be exhibited over your player card. Now, let’s jump into the weapons challenges you have to complete.
How to get M16A3?
This weapon is a newcomer in the Assault Rifle class and came from Battlefield 3’s collection of weapons. Regarding handling and stats, it can be compared to the AK24. A lot of players take it as a robust piece. The unlocking requirements of this weapon are making 30 kills while assisting with Underbarrel grenade Launchers, including assistance with SFAR or M16A3, and 100 kills.

The last requirement seems more puzzling, the kills with M16A3. It means that in a portal match, you make kills using the portal edition of M16A3. It will also be added to your challenge. So, for instance, using the M16A3, you play a few matches of battlefield 3 conquests. You may complete this challenge as well.
The Benefit Of SFAR And The Barrel Launcher
You should play the solo matches with the SFAR-M GL as an easy shortcut. This is also an emphasizing suggestion if you want to have the M16A3 unlocked rapidly. Because you will have an under-barrel launcher outfitted by using the SFAR, and for your first challenge, you need this launcher for the kills. So, that will be naturally counted as your SFAR kills. It will be added to both masteries if you kill one using the SFAR launcher since launcher kills stand equal to the SFAR kills. Therefore, it is recommended to kill with the launcher initially and then with the normal kill. Soon, your counter will have 30 kills.

As for the launcher challenges, it is suggested to use the factory mounts. Or on any different weapon, it will be 40 millimetres HE launcher. This deal with a lot more area of infantry damage as compared to any other weapon. Using them, you may kill 2 or 3 enemies without difficulty. Remember to have your ammo crate so the launcher can be resupplied when you unlock the weapon with a complete approach to all the gear. Close-range sight is recommended, as you can easily handle the weapon through these optics.
The Flash Suppressor And The Laser Sight
Compared to other attachments, this flash suppressor does not lessen the firepower nor makes your weapon difficult to handle. Moreover, choose the laser sight; it does not just correct the hip fire but also becomes very convenient in mid and close range. So, before aiming down sights, the firing can be started from the hip in this method. Further, before concentrating on your enemy, you may get some hits from the hip earlier. Particularly with the controller, it is very advantageous, including when you need to have the full benefit of the aim assist.

So, with all these accessories, you will feel that your weapon has become like a new entry in the array of assault rifles. There is nothing you can change since diverse ammunition is not obtainable.
How to get M60 E4?
This weapon is included in the battlefield 3 collections. This is called M60 E4, and when you talk about the handling and stats, you can compare this LMG with the LCMG, which is in the market beforehand. Although, its performance is poor in some specific circumstances. For its unlocking purpose, you have to make 100 kills with the assistance of PKP-BP or the M60 E4. Furthermore, resupply 100 teammates having ammo.

It’s been told that the M60 kills are the same as the M16. For instance, with the same weapon, you may make these kills over in the portal if you just need to play Rush or the Battlefield 3 conquest since the weapon is opened up for everybody over in the portal, since if you just began playing this game and you have not unlocked the PKP yet. You can easily open up the vault weapons by playing their portal version. If you already have PKP and prefer to avoid playing the portal editions. Then it would help if you go for it. Just jump into the solo matches or the normal multiplayer matches.
100 Teammates With Ammo
To resupply the 100 teammates, get in with a specialist angel or the ammo crate and throw out the packs. It also works great in solo matches to easily fulfil two of your challenges successfully. Again, choosing the close-range sight, such as the reflex sight, is recommended when the weapon is unlocked. Then as the barrel gear, you should utilize the flash suppressor.

The reason for using them is the same as has already been told in the SFAR arrangement. Comparatively, a way more enhanced handling and range than the extended mag’s utmost ammo capacity, and as the under barrel gear, the bipod. This LMG goes great instead of all the other gear that has been tried by several players already. It becomes very easy to fire from it while prone after deploying the bipod. These things make your weapon very beneficial when defending the targets or diverse regions on the map because your weapon strengthens.
Hidden Vault weapons (AEK)

The players say these hidden vault weapons were unlocked by playing; they don’t appear in the collection. It is about AEK, which was unlocked and even showed up in the unlocked items at the end of the round, but it still needs to be found in the weapon overview. That is correct, and it should work the same as mentioned since these are new portal weapons, not vault weapons. At the beginning of season 2, we also had 4 new portal weapons, which cannot be accessed from the beginning, just like the older portal weapons. But they were required to be unlocked just like all the other vault weapons.
The Added Weapons

AEK-971, M249 SAW, BREN LMG, and M2 CARBINE. These weapons can be found in the portal collections of the relevant periods. On your home screen, the portal collection is hidden. But it can also be found in the normal collection. Then to change the collection, you have to click F when on PC, Y in case you are using Xbox, or press triangle if you are playing on PlayStation. Later, you may select the diverse weapons and periods.

In Battlefield 3 or Bad company 2, you will discover the M249 and the AEK. For the year 1942, there are M2 Carbine and Bren LMG with unlike challenges. Most of these weapons are to be unlocked in the portal only but the bad company 2 edition of AEK. Therefore, it comes on display for many players. It can also be unlocked while playing the base game on the side. So, this is the reason and a solution if facing the same problem.