This guide will provide tips and tricks for beginners to play the Human Fall game.
The first thing is that how you can raise both of your hands together. There are hand buttons on the bottom right of your screen. Press the left one to raise the left hand and the right one for the right hand. If you want to raise both the hands together, you have to press the center part, scroll that up to raise the hands.
You can use this method to lift the box. Go near the box and scroll up the middle part of the hand button to lift the box. And scroll back to drop it on the ground.
If you want to climb up the wall, reach closer to the wall and raise both of your hands. And then scroll the hands button down to climb the wall.
If you want to climb a higher wall, move back, raise your hands and run towards the wall. Then you have to jump once you reach closer to the wall.
You will find some light patches in the game. Step up on them to open the doors.