Set in the gritty and deadly underbelly of 1940s Los Angeles, L.A. Noire follows distinguished veteran and newly minted detective Cole Phelps as he investigates an increasing sequence of cases based on real-life crimes. L.A. Noire uses groundbreaking facial animation technology to provide a unique interactive experience by combining magnificent action with actual investigative work. Look for clues, track down suspects, and question witnesses as you try to uncover the truth in a city where everyone has something to hide.
Where is the save game folder in L.A. Noire?
You’d need to extract the remote folder based on your operating systems in the save folder. The specified path for the save game folder of each operating system is given below:
Windows (Steam & Rockstar Games Launcher Versions):
Access the User profile folder and open the Rockstar Games folder within the Documents directory. Inside this folder, go to L.A. Noire, and open the specified user ID folder to access the save game files path for your game.
Windows (Steam & Rockstar Games Launcher Versions): %UserProfile%\Documents\Rockstar Games\L.A. Noire\Profiles\USER-ID\L.A.Noire
On a Linux system, start by locating the Steam installation folder. Then, navigate to the compat data folder within steamapps. Open the specified user ID folder to access the save game files path for your game.
Linux: “~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/110800/pfx”
How Do I Install the Save File?
First, you will need to download the save game file and extract it with the help of WinZip. After that, copy the save file to a save game location and make sure to have a backup of your save.
Important: Always back up the save file before replacing it with the new one.
Download Save File:
Everything is completed and unlocked in this save file. All the landmarks are discovered, film reels are collected and all newspapers are viewed.