This is the second installment of the Mega Man X Legacy series. Play as the powerful successor of classic fighting robot Mega Man, X.
Where is the save game folder in Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2?
To access the Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 save file, you will need to go to Program Files (x86) inside the C drive and open up the Steam folder. Then you have to navigate to userdata and you will find your Steam User ID Number there.Â
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\Steam User ID Number\743900\remote\RXC2
How Do I Install the Save File?
First, you will need to download the save game file and extract it with the help of WinZip. After that, you have to copy the save file to a save games location and make sure to have a backup of your save.
Important: Always back up the save file before replacing it with the new one.
Download Save File:
The game is 100% completed in this save file.