Retro Studios created Metroid Prime Trilogy, an action-adventure game. The collection includes the original games’ graphics, sound, and gameplay but with a few improvements. A new ‘Logbook’ feature allows players to access in-game information such as characters, opponents, etc. The pointer control of the Wii Remote is also used in the games, allowing players to aim more precisely than with a GameCube controller.
How to Restore Nintendo Wii Save file
To restore Nintendo Wii save files using SD Card, you’d need to follow these steps:
- Firstly, insert the SD card into the Wii console, navigate to the Wii System Menu and select “Data Management.”
- Select “Save Data” and then select “Wii.”
- Choose the saved game data you want to restore and select “Copy.”
- Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to restore the saved game data.
Download Save file:
The game is 100% completed in this save file. It is saved after unlocking all the bonuses.