Mordhau is a hack and slashes multiplayer fighting game being released in 2019. The players have to create their own mercenaries, customize them and their weapons in the way they like. The armor of mercenaries affects their overall performance and movement. You will enter into a massive battle with 80 more players all around the world and need to counter the waves of enemies. You can use weapons like swords and arrows to bring them down. Use the map strategically and place your mercenaries in different positions to kill the enemies in a huge number. Mordhau is designed with amazing 3D graphics and it is available to play on the Windows PC.
Commands | Description |
addbots (Number) | This console command is used to add the number of bots you input into the game. |
adminadd (Name) | You can add a new admin to the admin list. |
adminlist | This console command is used to lists the names of all the current admins that are present on the server. |
adminlogin | You can enter the administrator mode using this command. |
ban (name) | This console command is used to ban the player whose name you input from the server. |
banlist | You can list the names of all the banned players using this command. |
changelevel (Map Name) | This console command is used to change the map that you are currently on to the one that you input. |
changeSize (Number) | You can change the size of your character using this command. |
demoplay | This console command is used to playback the demo. |
demorec name | You can start the recording demo using this command. |
demostop | This console command is used to stop recording the demo. |
disconnect | This command is used to leave the server. |
exit | This console command is used to quit the game. |
kick (Name) | You can kick any particular player out of the server using this command. |
m.inverseattackdirection 1 | This console command is used to invert the direction of your attack. |
m.ShowCrosshair 0 | Use this command and turn off the crosshair setting. |
PlayersOnly | Redeem this code and all the bots will stop moving. |
removeadmin (Name) | You can remove the specified admin from the admin list using this command. |
removebots (Number) | This console command is used to removes the specified number of bots. |
restartlevel | You can restart the ongoing match using this command. |
Slomo (Number) | This console command is used to change the speed of the game. |
Stat FPS | Use this command to enable the frame rate per second counter. |
unban (player name) | This console command is used to unban any specified player. |
How to use console commands and cheats in Mordhau ?
In order to use console commands in Mordhau, you will need to follow the steps below:
- Press the “~” key to open the console.
- And then you can use any console command to get your desired reward.