Mortal Kombat X is an action fighting game being released worldwide in 2015. The game features multiple characters; you have to pick one to start a fight with the system or any other player. You can use different attack combos and special moves of your fighter to bring the opponent down. Mortal Kombat X is available on Playstation, Xbox, and Windows PC.
The most prominent fighters in tier S+ are Shinnok (Impostor) and Ermac (Mystic); they can take down any opponent in the game. Sub Zero (Grand Master) and Jason (Unstoppable) are the best fighters in tier S; they are also excellent performers. Predator (Hish-Qu-ten) and Tanya (Dragon Naginata) are the fighters that are ranked in the A tier, while Liu Kang (Flame Fist) and Ferra/Tor (Ruthless) rank in the B tier.
The main characters in tier C are Kitana (Mournful) and Kano (Cutthroat), while Jason (Slasher) and Cassie Cage (Spec Ops) are the best ones in the D tier. Some characters in tier E are Alien (Acidic) and Bo’Rai Cho (Bartitsu), while Scorpion (Inferno) and Liu Kang (Dualist) rank in the F tier.
S+ Tier
Shinnok (Impostor) |
Ermac (Mystic) |
Triborg (Smoke) |
Mileena (Ethereal) |
Triborg (Sektor) |
S Tier
Sub Zero (Grand Master) |
Jason (Unstoppable) |
Tremor(Crystalline) |
Scorpion (Hellfire) |
Quan Chi (Sorceror) |
Cassie Cage (Hollywood) |
Jason (Relentless) |
Tremor(Aftershock) |
Kenshi (Possessed) |
A Tier
Predator (Hish-qu-ten) |
Tanya (Dragon Naginata) |
Takeda (Ronin) |
Ermac (Spectral) |
Takeda (Shirai Ryu) |
Mileena (Piercing) |
Shinnok (Bone Shaper) |
Kitana (Assassin) |
Liu Kang (Dragon’s Fire) |
Jacqui Briggs (Full Auto) |
Kitana (Royal Storm) |
Jacqui Briggs (Shotgun) |
B Tier
Liu Kang (Flame Fist) |
Ferra/Tor (Ruthless) |
Sub Zero (Cryomancer) |
Reptile (Nimble) |
Mileena (Ravenous) |
Quan Chi (Summoner) |
Kano (Cybernetic) |
D’Vorah (Swarm Queen) |
Sonya Blade (Demolition) |
Reptile (Deceptive) |
Raiden (Displacer) |
C Tier
Kitana (Mournful) |
Kano (Cutthroat) |
Kung Lao (Buzz Saw) |
Raiden (Thunder God) |
Scorpion (Ninjutsu) |
Tanya (Pyromancer) |
Quan Chi (Warlock) |
Goro (Dragon Fangs) |
Takeda (Lasher) |
Reptile (Noxious) |
D Tier
Jason (Slasher) |
Cassie Cage (Spec Ops) |
Cassie Cage (Brawler) |
Triborg (Cyrax) |
Johnny Cage (A-List) |
Sonya Blade (Covert Ops) |
Kotal Kahn (Sun God) |
Kung Lao (Tempest) |
Predator (Warrior) |
Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) |
Jax (Wrestler) |
Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) |
Erron Black (Gunslinger) |
Kung Jin (Ancestral) |
Ermac (Master of Souls) |
Raiden (Master of Storms) |
Tremor (Metallic) |
Goro (Tigrar Fury) |
Leatherface (Killer) |
E Tier
Alien (Acidic) |
Bo’Rai Cho (Bartitsu) |
D’Vorah (Brood Mother) |
Leatherface (Butcher) |
Kotal Kahn (Blood God) |
Kung Jin (Shaolin) |
Goro (Kuatan Warrior) |
Predator (Warrior) |
Jax (Pumped Up) |
Kano (Commando) |
Alien (Tarkatan) |
Bo’Rai Cho (Dragon Breath) |
Triborg (Cyber Sub Zero) |
Kenshi (Kenjutsu) |
F Tier
Scorpion (Inferno) |
Liu Kang (Dualist) |
D’Vorah (Venemous) |
Erron Black (Outlaw) |
Leatherface (Pretty Lady) |
Erron Black (Marksman) |
Bo’Rai Cho (Drunken Master) |
Alien (Konjurer) |
Jacqui Briggs (High tech) |
Ferra/Torr (Lackey) |
Johnny Cage (Fisticuffs) |
Shinnok (Necromancer) |
Kenshi (Balanced) |